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Sommer Panage


Sommer is currently works at Chorus. She worked previously as the lead for Mobile Accessibility on iOS and Android at Twitter. Before moving into this role, she worked on various iOS projects such as DMs and Anti-spam. Prior to Twitter, Sommer worked on the iOS team at Apple. She earned her BA in Psychology and MS in Computer Science at Stanford University.

Sommer's Talk on Day 1 - 11:25 a.m. - 12:00 noon

One navigator to rule them all

App navigation is hard. If each View Controller manages its own navigation, your app can end up in a very confusing state. However, if you delegate all the way up to a main view controller, then you can end up with massively long delegation chains that a nightmare to maintain.

This talk looks at a different approach that Sommer and her team took at Chorus. They look at the pros and cons of this centralized app-navigator appraoch as well as the details of how it's implemented.